Am I a Psychopath?
When I was a kid, I didn't cry when my grandmother or grandfather die. I didn't really knew them that well.
when I was about 10-13 years old I beat my 2 chicken to death. I threw them up and punch them like a target.
While punching them I had a dead eye. It was like I couldn't think of anything and my body was doing it, it didn't feel good, but it didn't feel bad, and I didn't feel bad about doing it, but never admit it to my mother. I still don't feel bad.
When I left highschool I never really cared about anyone there and when my best friend we parted from work, I never really felt sad or feel anything. I just said, Goodbye and left.
Also when I hangout with my friends I don't really talk much, or at all. Like 5 hours of hanging out, I would speak like 4 paragraph total.