Am I a Psychopath?

When I was a kid, I didn't cry when my grandmother or grandfather die. I didn't really knew them that well.

when I was about 10-13 years old I beat my 2 chicken to death. I threw them up and punch them like a target.

While punching them I had a dead eye. It was like I couldn't think of anything and my body was doing it, it didn't feel good, but it didn't feel bad, and I didn't feel bad about doing it, but never admit it to my mother. I still don't feel bad.

When I left highschool I never really cared about anyone there and when my best friend we parted from work, I never really felt sad or feel anything. I just said, Goodbye and left.

Also when I hangout with my friends I don't really talk much, or at all. Like 5 hours of hanging out, I would speak like 4 paragraph total.


Favorite Answer

Find out here, if it looks like you are there is a long test that a psychologist can give you.




you are Americas future its the society you live in there is not much call for caring you all carry guns a lot of you hunt for fun you have violent films and TV war games the biggest military on earth you will join the military too and go shooting Arabs in the desert you started off rough 242 years ago and just continued you were run by Mafia and gagsters not that long ago its a way of life to be and act tough this site is full of people like you no you are not a psycho but easily can be