Did I do it right?

I was writing a dialogue and wanted to mention that a character has a wife through the dialogue. But I didn't want to make it totally obvious like "How's the wife?" or anything like that. Instead, the character changes the subject a bit and it goes like,

"How's Joana?"

"Probably asleep. She had a tough day at work, as she said on the phone."

Does that make it obvious that guy #2 has a wife or does it simply imply it? I'm trying to imply it only.

They Pelted Us With Rocks And Garbage2018-08-30T14:23:34Z

It does a good job of conveying that there is a girlfriend or wife.

The only flaw I see is "as she said on the phone." This doesn't seem to be natural speech to me but an artificial after thought. I don't see why he has to identify that this was one the phone. "she said she had a tough day at work." would seem better, as it communicates that he spoke with her. People seem to rarely mention such things as being phone calls these days.


It makes it clear that guy #2 has a person in his life named Joana. His exact relationship to her remains ambiguous. I see nothing wrong with leaving it that way. If the reader wants to know more, the reader can keep reading.