Does anyone own a Sig 556008 DMR? On ejt do the cases hit the recvr and are your ejection piles?

My ejection pile isn't a pile. It scatters from my 1 to my 5 sometimes my 6 and the shells are anywhere from 15 to 25 feet. Some I never find. Also when the cases ejt they knock the finish off of the reciever and creases the neck. I've lightened the extractor spring, which stopped the dragging cases across the ejector, putting a huge crease in the case. The ejection pile still scatters the same, cases still hit the back of the ejt port and it occasionally bends a neck. This happens with any ammo I use. 72gr match to 55gr M855. Its chambered 5.56x45 NATO


Guns cause almost a hundred thousand injured each year.


You sure are correct.

Russ in NOVA2018-09-11T01:05:45Z

I assume this is part of their Sig 516 product line. What gas valve setting is it on and have you tried to adjust it at all?