What's the longest you've gone without eating?

I've never seriously fasted before. I've gone without eating for ~1.5 days at the longest. I do one day fasts on the regular now.

I plan on trying for longer when I have a break from social engagements and trying to cook new meals.


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About 3 days or a bit more.

Back in the early 80's, had some form of food poisoning, lived alone and no insurance. Almost complete agony, nothing moved either way, was never sicker by a factor of at least 2. Thought for a while I might not make it.


one day maybe.


Two weeks when I've been ill. Seriously.


Almost 5 days last week. I’m on day 3 this week.

PRINCE OF DARKNESS2018-10-03T20:21:47Z

18 hours...

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