What is your favorite book by Dostoevsky?

I've read Notes From Underground, The Brothers Karamazov and Crime and Punishment.

In my opinion, Notes from Underground is like a proto Crime and Punishment. TBK seems to encapsulate all the themes from these books and more; making it my favorite.

Need help deciding between Demons and The Idiot for my next book.


Favorite Answer

Go with The Idiot next. I agree with Megalomaniac that it is one of the best novels ever written.

I applaud by the way, for choosing great literature, rather than throwaway paperback bestsellers. Your mental and interior life will be so much richer for it.


ok, you showed everyone you are clever. good work.


I've decided to go with The Idiot. Thanks everyone!




"The Idiot" is my fave. One of my favourite books of all time (and I wrote that before I read your last sentence).

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