does this mean that he feels like i'm not good enough for him ?

so it all started when my boyfriend wanted to look through my phone because he was jealous that my ex boyfriend texted me(which i told hime about). after he finished looking through the phone i said i want to look too but he was nervous and didn't want to but i insisted, telling him you did it to me so its fair if i did the same to you. so he said okay and i looked and found that he search for these 2 girls (which are hot to be honest) .i asked him what is this he started saying bullshit then admited that he lloks at them because he think that they are good looking and i told him before i go through the phone that i won't be angry if i found something and we will talk about it but after i saw the search it felt a bit hurt but i kept my cool and acted as if its nth to me and that i don't care and its fine. but i do and i keep thinking why should he look at other girls am i not beautiful enough for him and i don't know how to deal with these feeling or how should i feel towards him and should i leave him does this mean that he feels like i'm not good enough ?

We have been togetherr for 3 years


Favorite Answer

You are a bit insecure. I have been there but truth is there are always more attractive people out there just because he looks at them doesn't mean he wants to be with them. You two have a had a relationship for 3 years I would only hope you guys would trust each other so that you wouldn't feel like you have to look for things. I always tell people if you are looking for something don't be hurt when you find it. Eye candy is just eye candy in my book and everyone has some male or female doesn't matter. If you are a fun, sweet, loyal girlfriend don't feel like you aren't enough it's been three years girl he obviously enjoys having you around so don't dwell on it.


Any time someone demands to see your phone because they don't believe you, the relationship is over (and you're potentially in danger because this is EXTREMELY controlling behavior).


Sometimes guys look at other girls. He says it is no big deal and tons of people would agree with him, but I bet it has something to do with why he wanted to see your phone. Knowing he's looking at other women made him paranoid and caused a problem. That goes completely against the (sexist) rhetoric that looking at other women is normal and healthy and no problem, so it's not something that's probably ever crossed his mind before.

I would just point it out next time he gets jealous, not in a nasty way but a thoughtful one. "If you weren't busy looking up other women, do you think you'd be paranoid about what I'm doing? Maybe you should stop that then? Just an idea." ;) Good luck.


a controlling relationship - no trust whatsoever.

Ill give you both 6 months

Derick Gorbog2018-11-29T12:59:31Z
