Missed downloading a photo on time -- can someone send the image for it?

Hello. It is about 1:45 am ET on January 2.

For this year, I was hoping to get the 365 daily banners downloaded from this particular forum that represent every day of the year. I sadly missed downloading the first banner from yesterday, of when was January 1.

Therefore, if it's still January 1 right now where you live, if someone could download the image you see at the top of the page (that represents January 1) and then forward a copy of it to me it would be great. Here is the link:


Otherwise, I'll have to wait another year, of which I don't really want to do. :(


——Please delete this question, it's too late to answer it now.——


It's too late to answer this question now.

Jeff H.2019-01-02T07:07:35Z

To rephrase my line, instead of "forward a copy of it to me", what I actually meant was "put the photo in your answer".

Ultra Gopt (Nabrivoj)2019-01-02T06:57:41Z
