How many countries are going to abandon their commitments under the Paris Accord?


And why did Yahoo assign this to Beer Wine and Spirits?


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They all have abandoned it. When they all found out that they weren't going to get any US dollars they immediately forgot all their commitments which they weren't going to honor anyway.

It was just another thinly veiled raid on the US taxpayer.




The only ones that support it are countries that are led by leftist scum liars that want your money.


Well, I think this is the interesting thing about the Paris agreement ... the commitments are self-imposed. It is up to each nation to decide what their targets are, although I think there is a part of the agreement that specifies that those targets have to be more ambitious than previous treaties.

The progress of each nation, and all nations combined, in relation to their individual and group goals is assessed by independent panels. This has required countries to sign up to a level of transparency not really seen before.

So ... there are nations committed to lowering emissions such as the EU member states and China. These are big economies. Countries that fail to meet their own targets, or drop out, will be named and shamed. And those big economies have the clout to make most reconsider with things like tarriffs.

The answer is very few. And I think the US is in for a shock in terms of how out of touch it is, how isolated it is on this issue, and how other nations respond.


I think it will pretty much be all of them. It is my understanding that the agreement never had any teeth and it was more an agreement to agree than to really do anything. It is like those New Years resolutions where we promise to eat better and exercise more. Even those making those resolutions know deep down they aren't going to keep them after January 15th rolls around.

Paris has a lot of wine but it is pretty weird that YA doesn't have an algorithm putting Paris Accord questions under GW. At least it wasn't under Honda automobiles.

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