Will the world end in 12 years if we don't address climate change, as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said?


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Notice, the fellow leftists come to her aid. They assure us, we shouldn't take what the bag of rocks for brains says literally. She is virtue signalling for her fellow wacko leftists to know she belongs to their Marxist cult. That was, is, and will continue to be their real concern about GW. It is all about power, money, and destroying capitalism. Of course, most alarmists that post on here are just useful idiots that really do believe.


If Ocasio-Cortez lasts more than 2 years in Congress, I will believe the world is ending in 12.


Another "shill" in the alarmist scheme and it shows they are really grasping at straws to maintain the "hoax".

Global Cooling is happening and the Sun cycle called a solar grand minimum is the natural variance. Nature is still at work.


By her standards perhaps, by rational logical person's no. And nobody is going to "address" climate change in the ways she proposes.


Ha! Ha! Move over Al Gore. There is a bigger airhead than you!

Here is a gal that ran for congress and won. Then when she won she couldn't figure out how to pay her rent in Washington. She cried and cried then some liberal chef invited her to live with him. Just like a Liberal, they are always the victim even when they win.

Now here is a gal who answers the question 'How do we pay for this single payer health plan that you are proposing?' Her answer, "You just pay it!" She said that about healthcare, but when it came to her rent she cried out in agony. Just like a Lib. They are good at spending someone else's money but not when it comes to theirs.

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

This is what the Libs hang their hat on. A cheap liberal (I repeat myself) who wouldn't even share her tip jar with her fellow workers. And she even served PLASTIC stirs with her drinks. Yet the Libs love her.

Notice that Sting is already saying that she didn't say that. Haven't we heard this same old tired song about Gore?

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