China is responsible for 30 percent of CO2 emissions. Scientists are calling for 90 percent cut to stop warming. How can this math work?

This requires at least a 2/3 reduction from China, and instead emissions are growing. And other countries like India and the rest of the developing world is another 30 percent.


It cant work


None of the math works. Fools think that a carbon tax will do much of anything other than make trouble. There is not enough raw material and manufacturing capability to change our (not to mention other countries) use of carbon based energy. The EU is stable due to low to no economic growth. And by population just means we should report a larger population.


This question just highlights those that are not quite in the real world.

How many people think that China will choose to reduce their standard of living back to what it used to be a few decades ago because of global warming? How many people think that the people of India will want to live in extreme poverty for the same reason?

The truth of the matter is that both those countries are aspiring to a western style standard of living. Their per capita emissions will approach those of the US just as soon as they can make it happen.

That will completely obliterate any targets dreamed up by the western do-gooders. To achieve those targets those two billion people need to be kept in poverty. Sorry, ain t going to happen.

Electric cars will not solve that issue as comparatively few people in those countries own cars anyway. The Chinese have about one car for every six people, in India one for every fifty while the US has almost one each. More cars, of any type, will create just increase emissions and resource consumption.


Dealing in the real world, China IS NOT going to reduce emissions. China IS going to drastically increase emissions, just like India and the rest of the developing nations. Really that should put an end to the left's draconian solutions but for them it is all about the cause and they aren't going to drop their crusade over a few facts.

$@!ar W!nd2019-01-22T15:01:19Z

Most of the new scientific papers debunking Anthropogenic Global Warming originate from China and Russia. The Chinese like the Mayans are experts in planetary mechanics and solar cycles, they know Global Cooling is beginning.

China is investing in agricultural projects in Africa on a large scale. Russia is advancing its knowledge in greenhouse growing technologies, both are preparing for Global Cooling while the West is doing nothing.

Humans have no control over the planet's climate, no control over the Sun or it's cycles, Nature will not be fooled.

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