How to I get Stubborn People to talk?

I know this really lazy and stubborn person who won't read what you give her and won't listen to what you are telling her. I really have to make her understand something, but I don't think she will listen to me, what do I do?


I can't even get her to be in the same room as me to be able to talk to her. And I need to talk to her about her wrong doings SO that I can have a clean cut and end the friendship.

o_O JuDgEmEnT o_O2019-02-11T17:06:02Z

Sounds like she has already ended the friendship...if she won't listen to what you have to say, thats a pretty clear indication that she doesn't think much of you or your friendship


I have herd that waterboarding makes people talk


If it is a friend...then you may need to end the friendship.

If it is a family member Tell them in the presence of another reliable person, "This is the final time ai will tell you this...If you choose to ignore me it is on you...but if you do not do________ this , this and this will happen and I will not help you."

If it is a co-worker, go to HR and say " I have asked and e-mailed THIS PERSON about doing the _______ and I get ignored...THIS PERSON is not listening to me. It is impacting work."

If you are the person in charge you walk up to this person and say " I am giving you a warning...your behavior must change and it needs to start with reading the things I give you, and answering the questions I ask. If you cannot do that, please resign tomorrow and leave. I will even give you a decent written reference.


Do good deeds and good karma to her.


Narrate all your thoughts to her