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Is it wrong that i get annoyed by smalltalk every easily?

There is an example: 

I have a buddy at work who messages me "Hi! How are you?" almost every day. As soon as he notices that i am online on some social platform, he sends me that same message, almost like a robot. 

If i answer, the next message is inevitably "Cool. How is your family?". And this smalltalk will go on for an hour or longer. So most of the time, i simply do not answer either because i get annoyed or because i simply have no time. 

But then i feel like i am being as asshole. When people take the time to interact with me, but i do not answer just because i generally do not like smalltalk.

5 Answers

  • RoVale
    Lv 7
    10 hours ago

    No, it's not wrong. Many people don't like it but act like they do because they are only being polite.

  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    If a conversation is preventing you from continuing with your job he must be told that it is. If he becomes irritating to you then interject with something of your own and, maybe, the conversation can be turned around to something that will interest you more, so that you'll then be able to be involved more. Your other choice would be to just switch off your 'phone or computer.

    Also, please understand the difference between the words 'very' and 'every'.

  • 1 day ago

    Change the conversation! If you're tired of the same questions, ask the person some things about themselves

  • 1 day ago

    A lot of people hate small talk. The polite thing to do is answer, but for this guy who repeats the same thing everyday, I wouldn't blame you for not answering him. I avoid small talk as much as I can, in fact sometimes I'll go out of my way to avoid it (eg take a turn if I'm on a walk and see someone I know up ahead). It's definitely not wrong that you easily get annoyed by it.

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  • 1 day ago

    Nah its not wrong of you, I feel the same way sometimes. But as a consequence of not answering he might think you're an asshole, even tho I wouldn't consider you one from that. Maybe instead you could ask him very specific questions about random things you think of, like what shows did you watch in middle school or when you have family cookouts whats an interesting reoccurring dish, and then have a conversation springboarding from there. Or i mean just don't talk to him if you don't like the guy and don't want a friendship with him, your call. 

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