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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsFriends · 5 days ago

Is it worth trying to reconnect with him again? Was he manipulative?

I had this guy who recently stopped being my friend after we had a falling out regarding something that could potentially get us some easy money. During that ordeal, I accidentally did something that offended him. I should point out that he has mental illness like depressions & he has the tendency to talk about his issue because it helps. 

He normally talk about how he is tired of feeling sick & doesn’t have many friends left (Somehow, its always THEIR fault the friendship ended, not his).

I didn’t mean to offend, so I let him lash out at me so I could apologize. He ended up talking about his issues again. I decided to share one of my biggest childhood issues (I rarely ever share with ANYONE), but that’s when it went downhill. He felt that I SHOULDN’T have brought it up as it had no bearing to our argument. I felt that was unfair & scolded him.

He apologized but admitted he weren’t even sorry & felt it was no big deal. I scolded him again & he made another attempt to apologize but this time, he started to guilt trip me by saying he’ll make it up to me if it’ll make me feel better, even if it means he’ll catch COVID-19 & spread it to his family.

That’s when I got really mad & yelled about what he’s doing was wrong. He accused me of being double standard & how I only cared about what I wanted without realizing he’s doing the exact same thing about our issues.

We argued for a bit before he somehow has gotten into his head that he should be the one who ends our friendship..

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    Tell him you are the one in control and end the friendship. 

  • Anonymous
    5 days ago

    The closer you get to someone, the more-difficult it is to get along with them.

    You two were only friends and couldn't get along.  It doesn't matter if they were being manipulative. You are both emotionally immature and take your hurt out on others by yelling and being verbally abusive.

    Neither of you will be a good friend to someone else, but together you two are a time bomb waiting to go off again.

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