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  • Is it wrong that i get annoyed by smalltalk every easily?

    There is an example: 

    I have a buddy at work who messages me "Hi! How are you?" almost every day. As soon as he notices that i am online on some social platform, he sends me that same message, almost like a robot. 

    If i answer, the next message is inevitably "Cool. How is your family?". And this smalltalk will go on for an hour or longer. So most of the time, i simply do not answer either because i get annoyed or because i simply have no time. 

    But then i feel like i am being as asshole. When people take the time to interact with me, but i do not answer just because i generally do not like smalltalk.

    9 AnswersFriends6 days ago
  • Annoying player in D&D?

    So i am taking part in an online D&D campaign run by one of my friends. This is my first time playing D&D, so i may be in the wrong here. But there is a fellow player who really annoys me and ruins the experience. Worst yet, the annoying player is none other then the DMs girlfriend.

    My character is a military officer from another country with a completely different and militaristic society (i based it on Sparta and the Roman Empire). He is lawful evil. He is ruthless, but he does have his code that he is dedicated to (thus the lawful part). He does not hesitate to use torture as a means of obtaining information from enemies or using brutality as a means of intimidation (he has been a soldier his entire life after all). 

    And here is where the problems start. Every time my character does something that could be considered remotely morally questionable (torturing a captured enemy for information being the latest example), the DMs girlfriend makes her character step in and stop him by any means possible. Even going so far as to trying to take his weapon away several times or literally standing in between him and the enemy. 

    It has began to annoy me to the point where i warned her that if she does it again, my character is going punch hers in the face. To which the DM says that there is no PvP because he does not want players killing each other or forcing each other to do something that is against their will. 

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games2 months ago
  • What is going to happen if not enough people vaccinate to stop COVID-19?

    Only 13% of the people in my country are willing to vaccinate. 13% is not nearly enough to build herd immunity against the virus. 

    Sadly anti-vaxxer propaganda and conspiracy theories are spreading like wildfire across social media. And the overwhelming majority of people now believe that COVID is a conspiracy.

    What is going to happen if not enough people vaccinate? Will the virus just keep circulating? Will it become seasonal? 

    10 AnswersOther - Health5 months ago