How come most people end up breaking up with their first boyfriend or girlfriend?
Usually when someone falls in love with their first boyfriend or girlfriend, they will most likely won't end up becoming life partners. Why is that?
Usually when someone falls in love with their first boyfriend or girlfriend, they will most likely won't end up becoming life partners. Why is that?
Ross James
Favorite Answer
People grow, learn, and change. Some DO stay together. Some don't. It's a random world.
Leafsfan29-Embrace the drought!
Because our needs, wants and desires change as we get older. What was a priority isn't anymore.
My first girl friend broke up with me because I would not change to her religion.
Because young people are inexperienced about the dynamics of relationships, and so it takes going through several to figure it all out. Some people never do
Ace Shorty
Most kids squabble over things that are unimportant just like adults do but most adults have made a lifetime commitment that kids haven't made, so they break up.