Selling old auto parts making a web site or selling outright?

We want to start selling 4 acres of very old cars and parts, where do we start?

Nuff Sed2019-03-04T23:29:05Z

I'd start with finding people who want to buy the who lot, unless you enjoy the "hands-on" work and dealing with the thousands of assholes who comprise the retail public. There are also sellers on eBay and Craigslist whom you could mimic, not to mention advertising in Hemmings and other specialty rags.


One thought, maybe worth a try:

It's TV but they are real people. Follow the links.

Elaine M2019-02-22T16:43:08Z

How is anyone going to find your website without you putting advertising $$ in to get the word out there?

Pearl L2019-02-22T03:57:56Z

you could try doing both or putting an ad in the paper


do both