How to help someone with memory difficulties?

I know a woman who's 68 (I'm 64) who has short term memory problems due to a number of car accidents she's been in. She's always checking where she put things, she and I are always arguing about events that I know happened in the last half hour that she denies, etc. She doesn't want to face the situation by seeing a neurologist and seems to be in denial. How can I help someone like this because this can only go downhill.


Nothing can be done for her. No drugs no operations. Part of her brain cells have died. That is it.
Time you had patience and ignored her forgetfulness, there is no cure, if there was no one would have Dementia.


There's nothing you can do, unless her son/daughter opts to do something. You can try telling the offspring. But from previous experience, I can tell you they will be in denial, as well. You usually get a smarty-pants answer from them. You could try, tho.