Why do women think it's ok for them to never to say hi first?
I noticed when you're new to a job or anywhere in life a woman will rarely if not ever atleast say hello first . It isn't just me I observed others and same thing. Another question. When walking down the street or in a store you'll say goodmorning and they'd rarely ever say anything especially if they're considered pretty. Does beauty create ignorance or do they assume every guy is hitting on them or will if they say anything???
admitted they will always pay attention to the hot guys thats how mostly girls are
Most women wouldn't want to speak to a stranger in the street or mall - or have them speak to her. Intelligent men would understand that. As for the workplace, people generally only speak after they've been introduced and when it's necessary for the job.
If you have a beautiful friend, ask her if you could somehow listen in on her day, and watch from a distance to see how they are treated.
You will be EXHAUSTED by the experience.
Instead, I would treat your women co-workers just like a guy. What would you do in an office if it were all guys? Introduce yourself, say where in the company you work, maybe shake hands or bump, and go about your business. That's what you should do. Be friendly, be polite, be courteous just like you would do if she was your (nice) sister.
If you happen to make eye contact with a guy walking past, what do you do? Nothing? Look away? Polite smile? I usually say a blah "Hey" and keep walking. If she's interested, she'll make an excuse to talk.
Instead of looking on outside, try to see what's inside. And treat women like you are NOT interested, they'll appreciate it.
And how much do you complement guys? Rarely? then do the same for the women. If you work with a guy, how do you compliment them?