Question about toenail care.?

I work long hours in work boots. I try hard to keep my feet clean and dry when I'm not working, but my nails are dry and brittle. Is there anything I can put on them? I currently use a quality lotion.

Thanks for any tips.


more lotion


Have you tried a cuticle oil? You can find specific cuticle oils in the beauty section of most stores.
You can also use jojoba oil, its what I prefer to use for my nails.
When you are applying the lotion, but a drop of oil on teach toe nail and massage in. Give it some time to sink into the skin before walking around, if you step in tile or something other than carpet, you will slip.


Soak them in the evening in warm water and olive oil for 20 minutes while watching TV . 1/4 cup oil to a gallon of water .