Could someone born in 1965 have had a "Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me" by Elton John record when that song came out?

And could "Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me" have been her favorite song then? (summer 1974)




Don't see why not,,, my little brother was born in 1964 and he had the "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" album shortly after it came out,,,, '73. '74, somewhere around there.
He played it constantly, so much so that one night I "accidentally" stepped on it and broke it,,,, I have no idea how it wound up laying on the floor right there where I was walking.

Leo Berto2019-04-05T09:31:37Z

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Sure, I was buying records by that age. My first album was the rolling stones high tide and green grass.


yes ma'am

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