Would anyone like to see "2001: A Space Odyssey" remastered into 3D?

The movie just cries out for 3-D! Not just the trippy ending, but the exterior shots of Discovery; all the ships flying in space; Frank Poole jogging around the centrifuge; the curving hallway in the space station; etc.


It's a great film, the SFX were great for the era but some of them haven't aged well, I'd prefer it to be left as a movie for its time.


No!! I don't need to see that stupid monolith a million times in 3D


Nah. No need for it. It is already the greatest sci-fi movie EVER made. It was so far ahead of its time that it stands on it own merits.

I'm old enough to remember when it first came out (1969) and it just BLEW MY MIND when I saw it. It was like nothing else I had ever seen.

I don't think 3D would make it any better than it already is. It doesn't need gimmicks and it doesn't need to compete with stuff like Star Wars.aimed at kids


It's a great film, the SFX were great for the era but some of them haven't aged well, I'd prefer it to be left as a movie for its time.


I'm sure SOMEBODY does, but I don't have a 3-D TV set, and I certainly would not go to a cinema to see a film that is more than 50 years old. The 2-D version is fine with me.