Is it possible to find "the one" by dating many people?

Or, Is it possible to find "the one" AFTER dating many people?


Favorite Answer

It's possible. But it takes a long long time to know if they're really 'the one' for you.

It doesn't matter how many or how few people you've dated before, because finding 'the one' doesn't work that way. First you have to get through the swept-off-your-feet stage of dating, then you have to survive the long-term dating. Then you (and some people skip these steps) have to survive the engagement and wedding stage, followed by the other honeymoon stage. Then you have to make it through the married-with-kids stage, then the still-married stage, the grandkids stage, and the grandkids-are-married stage.

If you can make it through all that and die in each other's arms, you know you've found 'the one'. Anything before that day is a maybe.


Yes that is how it works