What did Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy have in common when it came to their cold war views and foreign policy?

$@!ar W!nd2019-05-05T15:55:12Z

Communism was a threat.

jeffrey f2019-05-04T23:59:27Z

Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy all believed that the US should continue to be the arsenal of democracy around the world and provide military and economic assistance to countries trying to resist Communist rule and Soviet subjugation. All three pursued an interventionist foreign policy of trying to stop the spread of Soviet domination and helping anyone who was also trying to do so.


Eisenhower was better but all three were vets so their Policies should be better than Clinton, Obama, bush or FDR or LBJ. Truman lied to get
Into service with eye sight problems. He memorized the eye charts to get it. Not exactly doing
Things in the militaries best interest. We don't
Want poorly sighted people in battle unable
To see threats coming at our troops. That could
Have cost thousands of lives. All it takes is one
Small error in battle to lose thousands of lives.
Dropping a bomb in the wrong place. Giving
The wrong coordinates to attack. Sending the
Troops in the wrong direction. War is complicated and brutal.


They all believed in the domino theory in which Soviet communism would take over one country after another, so they would "fall to communism" like dominoes.