What will Liberals do when Trump wins again in 2020?

The left is running simply unelectable candidates. Or at leas the candidates that have a chance against Trump are not being given a platform by the DNC. I'm talking about Tulsi. She's the only Democrat I like and has a decent shot. But nonetheless Trump will win again in 2020 because the left would rather run 2 crusty men that belong in nursing homes. Nobody wants a crusty communist, and nobody wants a crusty serial toucher.

Const. King2019-05-07T01:33:09Z

They will be crying just like POOR CROOKED HILLARY is still crying over her 2016 loss.


What do you mean unelectable? I would elect a neurotic chihuahua if it were the only other option than Trump. He didn't win the popular vote last time, it's not going to be that hard this time.


what will you do when he looses


Explain how that will happen when in November 2018 people voted 60,727,598 Democratic to 50,983,895 Republican? And if the economy goes south, Trump is well and truly cooked.


"What will Liberals do" >>Claim laws were broken....


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