What is wrong with merit based immigration?

Isn't a lot smarter to bring people into this country who will benefit it instead of bringing in those who will become a burden.


Because it brings in those who will be a burden and keeps out those who will benefit the country.

The U.S. has a severe, dire shortage of unskilled, uneducated, workers, which is a great threat to its food supply. It is unskilled, uneducated farms that benefit the country the most.

On the other hand, it is ironically the skilled, educated workers who theoretically can take jobs from citizens (although they also create more jobs, so there is a net benefit there too).


Absolutely. It's one of the few things that I totally agree with Trump on. Allowing uneducated poor masses into our nation can only degrade the quality of life for everyone in the USA.


This new Immigration plan proposed by Trump will severely affect American college graduates. It is going to flood America with Indian and Chinese college graduates who are hired by US corporates because they are cheaper than American tech workers.

Ask Australians who work in IT sector. They will tell you how the system is abused by Indian techies.

Why do you think Indian Americans have the highest household income ? It is not that they are exceptionally bright. Corporates abuse the H1B visa program and bring cheap Indian workers to America.

there had been plenty of cases where American IT workers were forced to train the new Indian workers and then later fired so that the spot can be occupied by Indians who come through H1B program. Disney was a notorious example.

there is a massive fraud going on in H1B. This new immigration plan will make it worse.


We should just get rid of all immigration. I have a feeling merit based would just flood us with more Indians. Why should all immigration come from India? I'm tired of it.


There’s nothing wrong with it. Democrats are against it because Trump is for it.

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