What do you think his chances are?

Ami Horowitz announced he is a candidate for the Democratic nomination for President. He says the Democratic Party has become the party of socialism, open borders, and late term abortions. They've become so radicalized over the past several years, that I feel compelled to try to bring some sanity into the discussion.


Any sane candidate will be quickly run over by by the Democrat hysteria machine.


Well, Ami Horowitz will be disappointed because the majority of Democrats are not Liberals but have a wide range from being conservative, moderate to Liberal. I consider Obama to be more of a conservative Democrat. None of them support late-term abortions.


He's too sane for today's liberals

W.T. Door2019-05-18T01:05:09Z

Zero. The far-leftists are running the DNC and open borders, etc. are planks in the Democrats' 2020 platform.


even lower than trumps if trump ran for the democrat nomination