Are they starting to warn the people to prepare for the time when Social Security will no longer be available?


It was never "guaranteed".

Helverin v Davis 1937

The real purpose of SS was to control people and set up a national ID.

If you notice there was no "identity theft" until the banks and gov (same thing) began using SS number as YOUR Identity.

*** It has also served as a slush fund for congress. Over 30 years they collected 2.7 trillion $$ in surplus taxes (Harry Reids numbers). Every year congress stole every penny to line their pockets, replacing them with worthless treasury bonds. Balance in the "trust fund" for rainy days? ZERO.

Spock (rhp)2019-05-24T17:03:34Z

it's bogus. Social Security has never been guaranteed in that Congress has always been able to revise or even eliminate the whole thing by passing a law.