In the 2020 Elections wouldn't the Republicans be wise to challenge every close race they lose to the Democrats?

And sue to have the voter rolls in those precincts that those who voted had a legal right to vote, had not moved out of the area prior or died prior. Also have the absentee votes examine to ensure the person who turn it the absentee ballot was the person who filled it out. And I bet if they do it, a lot of voter fraud will be discovered.


No. The reason is that they're not going to find any fraud. Claiming fraud would then damage the reputation of the GOP even further, painting them as immature sore losers who can't accept the results of democracy and try to steal elections


You might review what happened in the North Carolina 9th District, first. That's big, and possibly flipped the election.


And who will cover such a huge expense.


Demand recounts. But only in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.


It would be wise.....but the Democrats will call it racist....because for some reason all attempt to secure our elections and make them legal have been called racist for some reason.

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