Does it seem to you that the Joker's action has resulted in some clean up of this site?


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I noticed that Sagebrush. The paid trolls left a few questions that would usually go to Abuse and Spam. I was surprised to see questions about Chicago and airconditioning hang around. I even got a best answer!

You just can't play nice with these scumbags. The lid has been blown off their game. I guess they're getting a little concerned!

Pure Comedy Gold!

BTW, I hope you got this question as a repeater.


Some changes by Verizon Media AND some actions by users on the site, are helping clean it up a bit.

Posting about other named users is always a violation here (interesting you want to talk about site clean-up, while posting a violation)


You really have to wonder about what's going on in the heads of people like Sagebrush and JimZ, that they would lavish praise on someone who has littered this site with vulgar and unfounded accusations. He has repeatedly lied and broken every rule.

It shows just how little regard people like Sagebrush and JimZ have for honesty and decency.

Climate Realist2019-06-19T15:57:35Z

Apparently, Sagebrush thinks that being more of a troll than him is praiseworthy. What BS.