Why are there so many trolls in the Global Warming section?


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Same as for the rest of the site, because users are feeding them, and not enough users are reporting the violating posts to get them removed. If trolls find their posts don't stay up long AND don't get any responses, they typically either stop trolling or go troll elsewhere.

Until the users here take action as a group to reduce trolling, instead of responding to it and 'feeding' them, the trolls have no need to leave. They post to get a reaction, and MANY are willing to give it to them.


There are a Lot of Trolls all over the Place a lot of people are Bored I guess and have nothing Better to do on there own time

Weasel McWeasel2019-07-04T20:51:00Z

You say that like no other category has a plethora of trolls.


There can be so many trolls in any section.


Because they want to be provocateurs; they're looking for arguments and climate change is controversial to some. That's what trolling is all about...fishing (i.e., trolling) for an argument.

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