how many oz will it take to get drunk off henny?

how many oz will it take for me (180 pound) to get drunk from henny?


if it helps it takes me about 7-8 shots of vodka to get drunk


Favorite Answer

If you mean Hennessy brandy it will take exactly the same amount as the vodka if they are the same %age alcohol.
Alcohol is alcohol.


It used to take about sixteen shots of vodka to get me truly drunk. But since claiming that the wet floor was my bed, laughing at banana chips and several other similar incidents, I have considerably toned it down.

Now it takes about 5 Long Islands or 5 White Russians(my favourite poison). It's still a bit much though.

Andy C2019-07-10T18:06:49Z

Your weight has nothing to do with it.

Only brain and liver physiology matter.

Robert S2019-07-10T18:05:17Z
