For My girlfriends and I sex seems to have been limited lately from every day or every other day. Now only about 1 time a week if that?
She says I don’t need it everyday but I be wanted her when I’m horny. She said she don’t wanna stretch her ******** out for no reason. We’re only 23 & 26. Can having kids make a women feel like that and if so for how long because are kids are now 2
It's so incredibly sad that relationship skills and sexual wellness aren't taught as part of high school health classes. Yes, you have to wait for her to be "horny" too or else it's rape by coercion. Yes, women with small children are often too exhausted for sex (especially if they have twins). But no, vaginal intercourse doesn't stretch out a woman's parts, although giving birth vaginally can. In general I'd say one of both of you is operating at below chronological age in terms of emotional maturity but maybe some couples counseling could help. You sound very selfish, Sir.
Tell her that vaginas have a lot of elasticity and even though childbirth can stretch your vagina, having lots of sex actually doesn’t and it reverts back after sex