No. There is no such thing as sin.
Gummy Roach
Not everyone interprets religious writings the same way. There are many who think they know what God likes or doesn't like, or who feel they can speak on his behalf. There's that over-used cliche', "He created Adam and Eve, NOT Adam and Steve!" Um... actually, YES HE DID!!! He created ALL OF US, and I believe he loves all of us. Far as I know, the bible mentions that Jesus told us we should love everyone. I don't recall any verses that say, "Love one another, UNLESS THEY (fill in the blank)". There are no blanks. I believe what really matters in the end is how we treat one another.
Dr. D
Yes, gays are sinners, and straights are sinners too. All humans are sinners. God loves gays and straights all the same. However we are all saved the same way, by the grace of God.
What matters in life isn't your sexual orientation, but rather your enlightenment (search for truth), your love (charity and goodness), and relishing God's beauty everywhere. That is all need to know in this world.
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All have sinned and come short of the glory of god. But we are chief of sinners.
Yes.. bible says multiple times that its wrong.. goodness look at sodom and Gomorrah