Is blood a tissue or an organ?

Formerly Peter S2019-07-29T12:27:41Z

Favorite Answer

A tissue made of several cell types and molecules and plasma.


Blood is a tissue and of the four main groups of tissue it belongs to the connective tissues.


no .


blood contains red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets which are cells. it is classified as connective tissue,,blood originates in embryo in the mesoderm, one of the three primary layers of cells; blood shares this origin with other kinds of connective tissue. And, like other kinds of connective tissue, blood plays a connective role with respect to the systems within the human body.


Blood is considered to be a tissue.

An organ, by definition, is composed of multiple tissues. Within the skin there are several tissues- epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous tissue, hair/nails, and glands as well as the associated blood vessels and nerves.

Blood, on the other hand, while having multiple formed elements (erythrocytes, neutrophils, platelets, leukocytes, etc...) is a single tissue, and does not fit the definition of an organ.

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