Why does anyone care about the symbolic royalty of England? Or the Kartrashians, for that matter? Are our lives so pathetic?


The United Kingdom of Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy--a form of government that works for many countries. The monarch is much more than symbolic.

Historians care about the monarchy of England and hope that others learn from the past--to not know of the past is to remain ignorant and prone to repeat the errors made by ancestors.

Some people care about the Kardashians and other celebrities, while some don't. It is a form of entertainment.


Many around the world clearly care. But as a "Yank", rational Americans (yes, we do exist) prefer to point to our OG "royal families" like the Vanderbilts, Astors, Roosevelts and Kennedys rather than the Kardashians as the standard bearers for being worthy of adoration.


Historians are interested in the royalty of England.

As for the present day United Kingdom, the overwhelming majority are content with a constitutional monarchy which is more than just symbolic, although largely ceremonial.

What does seem pathetic is that with 350 million people to choose from voters of the US had to decide between a crook and a madman for their president.


Yes, so much better to worship and venerate an old rag with the stars and stripes on it.


Yes, they are. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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