Which Vehicle Brands can last 20+ Years or More?

Most people say Toyota/Lexus are the best longest lasting vehicles but what other vehicle manufacturers produce quality durable vehicles you can depend on for 20+ Years?


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My Toyota Land Cruiser is 30 years old and has 275,000 miles on it. Only thing I’ve ever had to do has been breaks, rotors and tires. I’ve just done synthetic oil changes every 5,000 miles. The thing is a tank and runs strong.


If you care for them any of them!


Any brand can last that long, depending on how they are driven, how much they are driven, where they are driven, how they are maintained, and their initial quality. As for initial quality, Toyota seems to be the best. But even a Toyota can be junk in 5 years if poorly maintained, driven hard in rough conditions, or wrecked and poorly repaired.


Honda and Ford since both cars my parents had lasted 25 years


Honda. My Civic is 22 years old.

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