It is freedom of expression.
Off the job, no. What they do away from school is their business. On the job, they should keep their politics out of the classroom. They can have an open and fair discussion on the subject that allows both sides of the issue to be expressed equally. But if there is a discussion and the teacher allows the anti-gun control side to be attacked, mocked or silenced - or worse, leads these acts - or if they try to organize a class activity to further their personal political agenda, that is something your parents, the school administration and the school board need to know about and do something about. For example, getting students to write letters in support of gun control to the newspapers or their elected officials, soliciting students during class time to take part in off-campus protests. Those are acts of indoctrination.
There is no law against it, but there may be a school policy against it. Ask your principal.
It's not quite illegal, but a teacher should explain both sides of the controversy.
No, but it is unethical.