Do we need to start sending some of the migrants home?

I think we can make fair fair and look at the contributions of certain people if they never had a Job and commit crimes it's home they go (this is the majority of the migrants and illegals) if they did something good they can stay. This will plummit the crime rates in all cities and send the problem back to the countries trying to send it her and ensure a secure future for our white children while not being based on Racial discrimination.


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Not at the moment, no. Due to fact that countless babies are being murdered in the name of a woman's 'right' to choose there needs to be new blood brought in some way. The problem though is as the feminist/liberal cancer takes hold in other countries outside the West fertility rates are declining there too, so mass immigration is hardly a long-term solution.


pah. mark the days from here, for soon you shall see the folly of these words. when the crackling bolts of revolution begin to spear through this crumbling civilisation your ignorance will isolate you. and i, riding upon a beast of new beginnings, will barely notice you under its hooves.


"While not being based on racial discrimination"

And yet you claim the immigrants to be violent criminals. Isn't that discrimination, you retarded bigot?

Go crawl back under your rock, troll. Nobody's feeding you today.