Digital One
The drunken neighbors just keep talking louder and all night long. 10pm - 4 am
I like a bit of conversation, but you don't have to talk my ear off either. 😄
Mr. Smartypants
I prefer a person who talks just the right amount, of course. 8^) But between the extremes of too much and too little I'll take too little.
I know people who are very uncomfortable with long silences, so they have to just fill the air with chatter. I find them very annoying and tiresome, especially if I'm working or trying to concentrate on something. If someone doesn't talk enough, I can usually get something out of them by asking. So I'd prefer that.
Moi !! C'Est MOI..
I prefer someone who speaks up when necessary.
its never about the quantity of words its about the quality of merit in those words