Freckle got bigger?

Is it normal for freckles to get darker/bigger.I noticed a freckle I have on my face has gotten bigger. I started using sunscreen but wasn't before. Is this normal? Will it fade after summer?


See a doctor. Like yesterday.


Sun exposure is a primary cause of both freckles and age spots. Age spots are typically larger than freckles, are more clearly defined, and tend to appear in older adults. While freckles are more widespread on people with light-colored hair and skin, age spots develop on people with a wider range of complexions.


It’s normal. My sister has a few freckles on her nose area and they always get bigger during the summer time bc pores open up with heat and whatnot. You should still check up with your doctor just to be safe :)


If it's changed quickly go see a doctor about it. Sometimes it's a warning sign of skin diseases like cancer or tumours and stuff. But definitely get it checked out somewhere.


it could be cancerous. get it looked at by a dermatologist.

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