Why does Trump continuously hire unqualified, incompetent people, like John Bolton, and then have to fire them?


I mean, he screwed up with Flynn and McMaster before this guy. I thought he would only hire "the best people?"


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He’s NOW going to say Bolton was incompetent. The REAL question is why does Trump hire people who know nothing about the position they’re in? That’s because Trump hires people “because they said nice things about me” and not because they are qualified. And, if they’re qualified, then they will never view anything as Trump does. So, in either of those situations, the person has to end up resigning or Trump gets someone to fire them.


We should all stop talking about Trump. he will hate that one.
the News should stop talking about Trump also . Trump will be real piss..
he is not and never been a shinny star. in the Galaxy.


Trump probably only appointed him in the first place because he saw him on Fox News... sad!

Mandolin Man2019-09-10T19:01:33Z

If you had an employee you hired, and they were not living up to your expectations, would you just keep them on for fun or cut your losses and move on from them? These are just like any other job, do it well, or go somewhere else...not that hard


Actually in hiring Bolton, Donald Trump betrayed the populists who voted for him because he claimed America shouldn't be wasting American treasure on fighting foreign wars. He then turns around and betrays the spirit of that promise by hiring super-hawk John Bolton. Trump also betrayed the spirit of his promise to help the middle class with tax cuts instead of himself, others in the top 10%, and the multi-national corporations that have lowered the standard of living of American workers with their labor arbitrage.

Donald Trump is a worthless, incompetent, fraud; and the worst public official in American history.

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