Justice Kavanaugh accusations?


Yet another accuser has admitted that she lied. Quote; "It was just a tactic." Why are these women not being prosecuted for perjury? Why has the New York Times, amongst others, not been sued for libel? Could it be because he's Catholic and conservative and, therefore beyond the pale?

Doc Awesome!2019-09-19T18:56:56Z

Favorite Answer

They are slanderous lies much like the racist lies these same democrats once leveled at Justice Thomas.


The current accusation involves a woman who denies the event ever happened.

There is no victim.


You can find them in lying propagandist rags like the New York Slimes and Huffingpaint Post.


And you keep on posting lies. If an accuser admitted that she lied, why can't you name her? I find nothing to indicate any accuser has recanted.

"Why are these women not being prosecuted for perjury' Because no one has been able to find proof that they lied under oath. It is not perjury to make a false statement to the press. It might be actionable as defamation, however that is a tort, not a crime.


I, along with many other Americans, don't want criminals in power.

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