How can I communicate better with people? ?

Okay so yesterday i went to my uncle with my family because yesterday was his last day and he's going back to Sweden so we entered and he started kissing and greeting us. At first he was thinking I'm my sister and was greeting me in fresh perky way, i told him that my sister is the  the other one (he mixes us up because he doesn't come here much so he didn't watch us grow). Anyways so then he started messing with her, playing with her and calling her his friend as a substitute of my older sister. My other (older sister) was his number one friend between us but she got out of home due to marriage so she doesn't come anymore with us to visits. Anyways to me he was treating me dry af. He tried to open a convo with me but me being usual passive boring silly me i think made him cringe on the inside. 

That was just an example. My point here that i wanna explain to you that people doesn't like who i am or the way i behave because i don't know how to communicate with people. I have trouble speaking, interacting, choosing the rights words or expressions. I just feel pretty worthless and bad that i can't even do the most simple thing in life. I keep struggling but I'm also helpless cause nothing much i can do. I also struggle with friendships or trying to start any relationship from my communication issues. I don't even have any friends. 


Favorite Answer

all i can say here is you are not worthless, not everybody can be great speakers and writers, a lot depends on what you were taught and the opportunities you had, be happy with how you are and work to make improvements on what you need to, thats the best you can do.


I think what you're describing is a social deficit. We learn to communicate by practicing. Next time you are with people, try to do a little bit of preparation (if you know anything about their interests, do a little bit of research so that you can at least ask questions), then try to communicate by asking them questions. People generally like to answer questions. (For example, with your uncle, So are you looking forward to going back to Sweden? What will you miss here? What do you look forward to there? What is your home like there? What is your town like?). In order to improve your communication, you have to give yourself permission to make mistakes. If you do that, it will be easier to develop better skills. You could also talk with a therapist about this or join a volunteer group where you can communicate around a common issue.