Have every man been cheated on?

I heard that every man will be cheated on at least once. Are there any men out there that have not been cheated on and how trusting (gullible) are you on a scale from 1 to 10? 10 being extremely trusting and 1 being "far as I can throw them".


idk man but i dont trust women for a reason. specially at this age (20).


probably yes all men have been cheated on


EVERY man? If you even imagine that might be true, you're not really thinking critically. Secondarily, you appear to equate trust with gullibility. This strongly reveals that you either already hold an opinion that all women cheat, or you're PRETENDING to hold that opinion in order to get responses. Essentially, trolling. Which is it? Do you REALLY think that trust is the same thing as gullibility and that all women cheat and that none 'bring anything to the table' as you said to Janet? Or are you impersonating a misogynistic, incel loser for fun?


@ Janet, clearly you haven't been keep up with current studies that say WOMEN are FAR more likely to cheat, but because of their social nature(ability to lie) are better at NOT GETTING CAUGHT. To believe women have no sexual urges is rather oppressive of you. Sex is an important aspect to any relationship, especial after the partner you have chosen is sharing(taking) your income and claiming half the benefits of the career you(and only you) spend years working at. As for "commitment" that is just an excuse to demand and take benefits from your partner in exchange for the promise of "love". If you take a hard long look at relationships women really don't bring anything to the table with value. If you are going to say, but they bring themselves so does the guy. If I put my income on the table then you should bring yours and so on and so on, but women often just over value their sex which I have to admit most women are crap in bed. There are a few good ones, but most think too highly of what's between their legs.


Not every man will be cheated on.
There are a couple of factors operating here.

First of all, Trust and Honesty are 65% of what makes a relationship work. This means that both people have to be honest, both have to be trustworthy, and both had to have enough emotional courage TO trust. If you enter any relationship with distrust, you will kill the relationship, even if you don't wish to.

The other is that not everyone IS worthy of your trust. How do you know which people are?
- First of all, we only draw people who are as emotionally healthy as WE are, so if we want to increase the odds of attracting and being attracted to good women, WE have to be good people too.
- Secondly, it takes a couple of years of dating steadily for the "best behavior" phase to wear off, for our own infatuation/fantasy to wear off, and for us to clearly see the person as they are.

(1) If you are whole inside you are not desperate, so you don't have to throw your heart into the ring right away. Not until you have started to SEE the other person clearly .. .and that only comes by being with them when they react to life, when they make their decisions ... and YOU see what kind of person they are.
(2) Trust. If you are whole, you are not risking a lot TO trust because you know you will be fine if the relationship goes sour, or if you invested your heart into an unworthy person. Trust UNLESS they do something that SHOWS you that they are NOT trustworthy.

Most mature people care about other people as well as themselves, and they won't betray someone they love. But love takes a couple of years to grow, and what we call "in love" is just a state of temporary excitement and fantasy. So go slow in your heart and in your relationships.

One final note. Men are FAR more likely to cheat on their partner than women are. That's because love, for most men, is tied up with sex. And for women it is tied up with sharing, bonding and commitment.

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