How would America have developed if there would not have been a Revolutionary War?

I understand that in reality there would have been VERY little chance of the following situation actually happening.But what if King George of England would have simply allowed the American colonies to become an independent nation through formal treaty without going to war?How do you think that would have changed the development of the nations government,history etc.?


Unless you are going to write an alternative history novel it's completely irrelevant and isn't worth speculating about. Even the smallest change in history can have unpredictable and wide ranging effects.


Likely more to the Australian model than the Canadian.
Although, Canada might not exist.
Imagine everyone being "Canadian".

come to think more on it.
Britain ordered the end of exploration beyond the Eastern Mountains, so the Land would still likely be divided, but more severely between the U.K., France and Spain.
Although the Gold and Oil issues may have impacted on it.
The world would be a unrecognizable to todays people.


Canada, Australia, New Zealand – any bells ringing?


History cannot be rewritten, but Canada and Australia are autonomous governing, but share the Queen with UK. The principles of the United States at its founding are laid out in the Constitution.  We know by it what people wanted that is different from the UK.
For usa, a summary
Great Britain had 8 million residents in 1775, and the 13 rebellious colonies about 2.5 million (of which half a million were slaves). If there were no war, the people who died on each side would have lived longer and maybe German and French soldiers that some stayed after the war would not have descendants.
It's all speculation.


Well there's always the example of Canada.  The US would probably have evolved similarly.