How do you handle job hunting?

I'm job hunting, but I do have a job, I just need a better one. I've job hunted before while unemployed. I was a tad more aggressive then since my money was running out. 

Right now I've filled a few general applications as confidence boosters, saved a few job postings, but I don't know, since going from my early 20's to mid 20's I get psyched out about applying to things. I used to be so confident, and even applied to jobs that were far reaches. 


look on linkedin. you can privately let recruiters know you're looking for other opportunities, and it won't show up publicly on your profile. that way you can look without fear of your employer finding out and letting you go prematurely. you can also connect with recruiters and other people as well on linkedin. it's meant for networking, so use it.

i used glassdoor and linkedin as my primary job search sites and had the most success with. glassdoor has a lot of insight into job information, salary avg in the industry, avg experience required, education, and other info. i've used indeed too, but thats more of a loose cannon. and feels like craigslist a little to me

are you staying in the same industry, different position, or something else entirely?

you can tell applications you're currently working but looking for a job change. maybe you want a better location. maybe your company doesn't promote from within and has no real career opportunities. maybe you just want a new challenge. maybe the culture isn't what you thought it was. there are a lot of reasons to change a job.

i would suggest looking into the military as well. assuming you don't have medical conditions or criminal background that would disqualify you, they have hundreds of jobs that aren't all combat or infantry related. plenty can find similar jobs in the civilian world when your service is only. your contract is only four years long too, though some jobs require six. you get paid training and experience to build on, plus benefits like the GI Bill should you wish to go to college.

the military has jobs in IT, health care, logistics, vehicle maintenance, air traffic control, intel / analysts, finance / admin, security, construction, HVAC, electrician, transportation, and others. you can see all the jobs they offer on the branches websites. but you only qualify for them via the ASVAB, if the job is in demand, and other qualifications needed like security clearance.


get an employment specialist to help u find a job.

Pearl L2019-10-15T21:56:20Z

just do the best you can and pray you get one