Apartment Complex Fines?

I am currently in a manor of 19 other people. The manor is broken up into 4 cottages of 5 people in each. 4*5= 20 people, where 3/4 cottages are occupied by a fraternity who tends to be messy. 

All of the cottages share an outside common space and the walls that separate each, with the messes that keep occurring, I am receiving fines from the apartment complex for failure to clean common areas. 

As mentioned before, my cottage has no affiliation with the group and am unable to find anything in the lease directly related to the fining of the entire property. I think it's an unbelievable expectation to expect myself or the other people in my cottage to clean this mess. 

The fines are applied to the entire manor when offenses occur as the apartment complex can't determine fault. I am looking for some sort of resolution so my account can stop getting hit so unreasonably.


Favorite Answer

If you read your lease I am sure it states that all residents are responsible for the cleanup of the common areas. If a fine is provided for in the lease it would apply to all residents as the management has no way to determine who caused the mess and all residents are responsible to clean up the mess.

If you can prove who caused the mess, you could probably sue them for the amount you had to pay in fines.