I feel guilty for spending my own money?

Im not broke. Im not scraping by day to day barely. I get paid bi weekly and is never broke by the time of my next check. I just order online and all these boxes delivered to my residence is kinda embarrassing me in front of my family. I found this site called Poshmark and i do all my online shopping there. The issue is that you are purchasing from different ppl so unless you order from the same person, every order is a different box a different day. I have five over the next two weeks pretty much. I feel so ashamed-i am materialistic. Buying things that i think will make me look good makes me feel good and i could use that after a bad breakup. A boost of confidence. Its not like i dont still buy groceries, put gas in the cars, get them washed at U Washes weekly, purhase cat food, litter, cat treats, pay a small phone bill, and still give money to all three of my parents. Idk if its in my mind that this is an issue or if i think they think i have a problem but how to curve my shopping habits?? 


Favorite Answer

Put yourself on a budget Say you're only going to spend X amount of dollars on clothes or whatever else it is you're buying and do it. I wish I had the money to do that - I really need things for myself and can barely scrape by.


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Congratulations on having a budget and being responsible with your money. What you are not mentioning in your post is a savings account. Do you have anything put away for unexpected emergencies and for retirement? Would you be bankrupt if you lost your job and couldn't find another one for a while? Would a medical emergency requiring very expensive prescriptions be more than you could handle?

And what about charity to others who are not family members? The holidays are not far away, and you could make plans to do some volunteer work which should make you feel better about yourself.