How much did that Glacier National Park misinformation campaign cost us taxpayers?


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You can't look at the internet without being lied to about climate change.  The more it doesn't change, the more we have the eco-fascists claim that it is changing more than ever.  This costs us trillions probably.  The Glacial National Park is certainly millions.  What I don't like about it is the propaganda.  We aren't Europe.  We shouldn't be subject to Democrat lies and propaganda at every turn.  I went to Lowes today and they have a sign over the checkout "Go Green and skip the bag".  I wouldn't have gotten one but the sign irritated me enough.  I know Lowes is just trying to keep the eco-terrorists at bay but it is almost enough to make me shop elsewhere.  

If you go to a park in California, they will often remind you of Democrat talking points.  They need their useful idiots to feel like they are saving he planet so they give them rituals to engage in and they swallow it all like large mouth bass.  

I notice how nasty these eco-fascists (e.g. Anon) become when you challenge them on their lies.  They call you racists and Nazis when in fact they practice the things they accuse of others.  These are the people that belong to a political party that segregates everybody by race, religion, sex, gender, age etc and then pits them against each other.  It is foul hate filled agenda and AGW is just a part.  Calling Daily caller racist is par for the course with these clowns.  Anybody that isn't a part of making the central government more powerful has to be attacked. 


or perhaps just a deluded republican
a simple fool in either case.....


Glaciers advance and retreat depending on the weather they experience. Some years they may advance and some they may retreat, so predicting when a glacier will disappear is an iffy proposition, not easily modeled. They were ill-advised to put those signs up with a date on them.

None of that changes that on average alpine glaciers are retreating worldwide, the Arctic sea ice is going away, and Greenland is losing hundreds of billions of tons of ice every year.


What your sources tell us about you.

The Daily Caller has had repeated interactions with white nationalists on its platform, makes light of sexual assault against children, and regularly posts sexist commentary about famous women.

Quotes by Sagebrush (who often quoted Nazi's to further his cause)
"There is no science",
"Execute all those who voted for OBAMA",
"Sustainability is a codeword for communism",
"Hire the handicapped, they are fun to watch",
"Justice and equality are codewords for communism",
"The animals didn't adapt, they were designed that way",
"God has his hand on the thermostat".