Has Nancy Pelosi overreached?


she mightve been overreacting


No. The votes were there, the votes are already there to impeach Trump. How is that overreaching? She’s doing her job and right now her job is impeaching an unfit President.


To recap, a "whistle blower" reported to Adam Schiff that Trump threatened to withhold aid money to the Ukraine unless they investigated Joe Biden and his son's crimes there.
The White House released a transcript of the call that proves he did not.

That should have been the end of it.

Mr. Smartypants2019-10-31T23:19:56Z

I don't think so.  Whatever bad things you can say about Pelosi, she is very politically savvy.  She knows at least what she can get away with.  So far the courts have backed her.

Im Brian Williams2019-10-31T23:10:16Z


But in all fairness she is only doing what her handler, and true house speaker AOC orders her to do.

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